A Strategic & Creative Studio


An Ode to my Nokia 6110

Before Instagram, Slack and countless other apps wove the complex web of our consciousness, there existed a short lived Golden Age in which embracing a new technology did not yet equate to the fragmentation of our attention, addicton to constant connectivity, relinquishing all privacy, or crippling FOMO. The Nokia 6110 symbolizes a magical time in the late 1990s when technology and convenience worked in harmony with life.

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Nick Ito
What If We Distinguished Brands by their Degree of Doing Good?

To anyone watching to the news, it’s easy to deduce we are at a boiling point.  There is no shortage of opinions on who to blame. I am not here to point fingers, though at this juncture however, we must come to terms with the price of our negligence. I have not always seen it this way. I was perfectly content with focusing on my personal interests and kicking the can down the road, assured that someone else would eventually sort all of our problems. I don’t believe that anymore.

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Nick Ito